A Behind-the-Scenes Look with Mayo Clinic

Right after the holidays, Visual Captive traveled to the Mayo Clinic to film a recruitment video for Radiation Therapists. While there, we had the chance to see state-of-the-art medical equipment in action — a moment that reminded us how video production takes us to some really cool locations.

Our shoot included three interviews with current Radiation Therapists, along with b-roll of the Photon Beam, the Proton room, and a demo of a medical mask fitting used to stabilize patients during treatment. It was an inspiring experience to see the vital work happening behind the scenes in healthcare.

This was a packed shoot day, with our main goal focused on capturing enough b-roll to complement the interviews, all while navigating hospital hallways without disrupting patients and doctors. To move efficiently through the hospital, we used a single rolling cart and brought along two Intellytech lights mounted on rolling stands for a compact, mobile setup.

When working with medical companies, our top priority is ensuring we don’t disrupt patients or staff. Scaling down our gear pushes us to get creative with lighting, making the most of a smaller setup. Overall, the shoot was a success — we captured strong interviews and a diverse range of b-roll. Each scene conveyed a bright, welcoming, and informative feel.

If your medical company is looking for a local video production partner to help produce your next brand video, get in touch with us to schedule a discovery call!


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